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Esog Drinks

Esoteric Garden Lemonades Variety Pack - 3 Bottles

Esoteric Garden Lemonades Variety Pack - 3 Bottles

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
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Try all three of our flavors of Esoteric Garden (ESOG Drinks) botanical lemonades. 


Elderberry is a tangier version of a blackberry or blueberry. It is not sweet and has a bit of tartness to it. Elderberry is usually found in jams and tinctures. Most people have not tasted elderberries in their natural state. We wanted to keep our Elderberry Lemonade close to its natural taste, berry. Combined with Lemon and honey, our Elderberry Lemonade is a lively crisp berry flavor.

According to WebMD, Elderberry contains natural substances called flavonoids. They seem to help reduce swelling, fight inflammation, and boost the immune system.


Lavender is a perfumy taste if not balanced well. Our Lavender lemonades are mixed with elderberry to give balance to the floral herb. Since elderberry has a tart flavor, the two marry well together creating a lemonade that has a robust scent but subtle flower and sweet taste.

According to WebMD, Lavender contains oil that seems to have a calming effect and might relax certain muscles. It also seems to have antibacterial and antifungal effects.


Sage is usually associated with thanksgiving. Sage is thought to taste woody, earthy, piney, and slightly peppery. When merged with Lemon and honey, Our Sage Lemonade exposes the flavor that is hidden in stuffing. The flavor is mellow, delicate, sweet, and delightful on the palate.

According to WebMD, Sage might help with chemical imbalances in the brain that cause problems with memory and thinking skills. It might also change how the body uses insulin and sugar.

Order details: 

  • Minimum order one case
  • Includes 1 bottle of our Elderberry Lemonade
  • Includes 1 bottle of our Lavender Lemonade
  • Includes 1 bottle of our Sage Lemonade
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